Friday, April 19, 2019

Miracle berry plant- a slow-growing plant with miraculin

Miracle fruit berries, known as Synsepalum dulcificum, grown for its mild fruits that make subsequently eaten sour foods taste sweet. The miracle berry plant is native to tropical West Africa, where it is used locally to sweeten palm wine and other beverages. However, it is said that miracle berries come from a slow-growing plant that contains an active glycoprotein molecule called polyphenol with some trailing carbohydrate chains, called miraculin.

However, miracle berry is not only an evergreen shrub that is native to tropical West Africa. In fact, it is better to say that outside of the tropics, it is also a home plant, which is commonly known as sweet berry and miracle fruit. This beautiful plant bears attractive and edible red fruit that is ¾ to 1 inch long with a seed surrounded by flesh pulp.

miracle berry plant

Miracle Fruit- make sour foods taste sweet

Miracle berry or miracle fruit is a type of fruit that makes every food taste sweet. When you eat the fruit and allow the pulp to coat the inside of your mouth, it masks the real taste of bitter foods for a few minutes to several hours. It is better to say that the fruit itself has low sugar content in spite of its mild sweet tangy taste.

Learn in details about the miracle berry plant

The plant that yields miracle fruit berries, having originated from hot and that is the reason why it is relatively intolerant to frost and cannot be cultivated in any snow country. The miracle berry plant’s hairy leaves are deep green in color with elongated edges and it grows in a spire-like habit. Moreover, the plant’s flowers are small and colored white.

They are produced in flushes through most of the months of the year. The edible part of the plant that is miracle berry is a small, oval fruit and it is bright red in color and ellipsoid in shape.
miracle berry plant

A reputed miracle berry plant supplier to visit

You can contact Richberry if you are looking for a good supplier of miracle berry plant. Visit to learn more about the services they provide.